W.T. - JU 88 A-4

Tipo Aerei da bombardamento e ricognizione

Periodo Seconda Guerra Mondiale

Nazione Germania


Dim. Modello 20 cm

Dim. Box 345 x 242 x 48 mm

Stampa la scheda del prodotto

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Il box contiene:

Un modello - Stampate colorate - Guida - Istruzioni a colori - Basetta per il modello - Colla -                Bonus Code (PC/Mac Version): Thach’s F2-A1 Buffalo (Rank 1, USA Premium Fighter); He-112B (Rank 1, Germany Premium Fighter) - 7 days of premium account - Italeri Decal

The Junkers Ju 88 was Germany’s first purpose-built Schnellbomber aircraft, developed during the mid 1930s. Although the Schnellbomber concept would quickly be proven as flawed, the Ju 88 remained instrumental to the successes of the early German Blitzkrieg campaign and, thanks to its versatility, remained in service with the Luftwaffe until the very end of WW2. In fact, the Ju 88 became the most produced German twin-engine aircraft of the time, serving a multitude of roles throughout its service life.

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Confindustria Emilia - Area Centro - Le imprese di Bologna, Ferrara e Modena