23 Gennaio 2014
70 years from D-Day, Italeri has created an exclusive line dedicated to the celebration of the event that changed the course of History. Here some first “artwork preview” of our scale model kits that will introduce during 2014.
Typhoon Mk I 1/48 scale
Short Stirling Mk IV 1/72 scale
A.S. 51 Horsa Mk I/II 1/72 scale
L.C.V.P. 1/35 scale
Company with Quality System Certification of Conformity with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
Italeri S.p.a | Cap. Soc. Euro 5.200.000 i.v. R.E.A. Bo n.311919 C.F. e R.I. BO n.03708190370 P. Iva IT00652841206 M. B0011362