05 Marzo 2012
Dear Friends,
we are continuing to receive a huge amount of e-mails from all over the World with your advices and your preferences. Here below you can find the update top chart of your preferences about current Italeri scale models. In the red bars the updated results compared with the blue bars representing the results in the last December.
As you can see from the chart the C-27 Spartan continues to be the your favorite scale model. We have also identified two "new entries” which have received numerous appreciations : the "small" L6 light tank and the "big" Schenllboot S-100.
Continue to send us your preferences. They are, for us, an important source of inspiration.
Thanks to all.
The Italeri staff.
Company with Quality System Certification of Conformity with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
Italeri S.p.a | Cap. Soc. Euro 5.200.000 i.v. R.E.A. Bo n.311919 C.F. e R.I. BO n.03708190370 P. Iva IT00652841206 M. B0011362