Period from '90
Country Italy
Box Dim. 0 X 0 X 0 mm
Activity Set Special Colour. Aircrafts with unique liveries used during special anniversary. Special aircrafts unique for their technology and power transformed into flying masterpieces. Box containing 150 pcs puzzle(50x35 cm) with the picture of the aircraft and a "snap model kit" scale 1:100. No need of glue. Easy to assembly in just 10 minutes.
Company with Quality System Certification of Conformity with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
Italeri S.p.a | Cap. Soc. Euro 5.200.000 i.v. R.E.A. Bo n.311919 C.F. e R.I. BO n.03708190370 P. Iva IT00652841206 M. B0011362