Scale 1:48
The Opel Blitz was the main truck used by German....
Field Artillery Tractors played an important part in World War II, which was already highly mechanized.
The 88mm antiaircraft Flugabwehrkanone (Flak) was one of the major successful cannons of the Second World War. The Luftwaffe.
This tank lorry, obtained from the frame of the multiuse lorry Kfz.305, was the mean used for standard refilling of the German aviation..
Possibly the best known of all German armoured cars was the PUMA. This eight-wheel vehicle, well ahead of its time, had much influence on British,.
The Opel Blitz medium truck was used extensively by the German Army on all fronts during World War Two. Several thousand of them were produced. They.
Officially presented at the opening of FIATs Mirafiori plant in May 1939, the AB 40 was, at the time, something of a cutting-edge vehicle. Thanks to.
The AB 43 armoured car is an evolution from the previous AB 40 and 41 models. Equipped with a new larger turret, its main weapon was the 20MM calibre.
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