03 November 2021
Dear Friends,
we would like to introduce a new edition of our “contest on line” dedicated to Cars and Bikes with Italeri Scale Models. We would like to continue to have two dedicated sections. The “standard” area and the “beginner” area.
Here below how our contest will work :
Send us by e-mail your scale model pictures, adding a short description, of Cars and Bikes (done using Italeri scale model kits) to our e-mail address before 10st September 2021.
Please in the Subject wrtite : Contest on Line - Cars and Bikes (it's necessary to partecipate to the Contest)
We will evaluate them and we will “post”, on our Facebook page, the best selection in two distinct areas ("standard" models area and “beginner” models area). Only you will be able to decide the final ranking for both areas. In fact, you will have 7 days, from the time when we will post the selected scale models on Facebook, to assign your vote. After seven days, we will check the total number of “I like” per model and we will publish the final top charts.
Italeri also reserves the right to assign to the top score scale models, published on line, some compliments.
Who can participate to "beginner" contest.
It is dedicated to “novice” modelers with less than 1 year of experience. At the time you send us yours emails you should indicate yours will to participate in “beginner” section.
Fair Play Rules.
• When you send your e-mail you have to express where you would like to participate (standard or beginner). We require honesty and fair play. Italeri staff will have the possibility to exclude from “beginner” area, scale models that are considered by the staff, the results of years of experience.
• Fairness during the vote process on Facebook. Rapid increases in the number of "I like", that can be obtained by buying votes online, will be analysed and can be considered a reason for the exclusion in the final ranking.
• Language. All the FB posts that will include, “bad words”, inappropriate or offensive language, will be immediately deleted.
• We would like to point out that our "contest" is made to spread the passion for our marvellous hobby and our “contest” should be interpreted with this philosophy by all.
Good luck …
Legal disclaimer: The sender of the e-mail assumes full responsibility for the accuracy, authenticity and authorship of the photographic material sent. The sender will give to Italeri Spa the possibility to manage the personal information indicated in the e-mail for the purposes linked with the on line contest and in accordance with D.lgs 193/2003 (Italian Law) and EU Reg 2016/679.
Company with Quality System Certification of Conformity with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
Italeri S.p.a | Cap. Soc. Euro 5.200.000 i.v. R.E.A. Bo n.311919 C.F. e R.I. BO n.03708190370 P. Iva IT00652841206 M. B0011362