12 July 2015
Dear Friends, we are publishing the top charts of the online contest dedicated to aircrafts and helicopters. First of all, we would like to thank all the friends who sent us the photographic material of their works and all the friends that expressed the votes and defined the final ranking based on the number of “I like”.
Standard Aircrafts
Alex Simonelli : F-14 Tomcat “Jolly Rogers” (403“I like”)
Vittorio Rogoli : Savoia Marchetti Sm79 "Sparviero" 1/72 scale (264 “I like”)
Bojan Kos : Mig-29 Fulcrum 1/72 scale (261 “I like)
Standard Helicopters
Michal Swiniarski : UH-34 1/72 scale (153 “I Like”)
Hernan Saavedra: Westland Wessex HU-5 1/72 scale (91 “I Like”)
Massimo Busolini : Wessex HAS 3 (90 “I like”)
Giacomo Tognolo : F-104G Starfighter 1/72 scale (60 “I Like”)
Samuele Barresi : SPAD XIII 1/72 scale (37 “I Like”)
Enrico Baima Poma : AM6 2B Zero 1/72 scale (25 “I Like”)
We will contact by e-mails the 9 friends in the next days.
Follow the news on our website : or on Facebook.
Thanks a lot once again.
The staff Italeri.
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