25 October 2014
Dear Friends,
we have received from you several reports about very interesting “on line” articles and videos dedicated to our scale model kits. A lot of these messages are arriving either from scale modelling associations and clubs (that proudly send us the work done by them with our kits) or scale model fans (that have published the Italeri scale models on their own web pages or FB profiles) . Further more most of these very interesting “link” have a tutorial approach providing ideas, advises and tips to realize a very good job.
With the aim to provide you more and more information about our fantastic hobby, we have decided to create an area in our web site and on our FB official account where we would like to point out the link to web pages dedicated to our scale model kits.
If you are a scale modelling club member or if you have posted on your personal page your job done with Italeri kits, send us the “links” to our e-mail address :
We will publish on line the info received in the new dedicated web site area.
Here below we would like to provide you , as sample, a very interesting article published by our friends of
Here the direct link to the article :
Company with Quality System Certification of Conformity with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
Italeri S.p.a | Cap. Soc. Euro 5.200.000 i.v. R.E.A. Bo n.311919 C.F. e R.I. BO n.03708190370 P. Iva IT00652841206 M. B0011362