14 February 2014
have already recieved a lot of materials from you for our "contest on
line” dedicated to the fantastic world of Aircrafts and Helicopters.
We would like to remind you that you still have just two weeks to send us your scale models pictures. (Up
to End of February).
us by e-mail your scale model pictures of aircrafts & helicopters to our
e-mail address before 28th February 2014.
will evaluate them, according to the parameters indicated here below and we
will “post” on our Facebook page the best selection of them.
will make our first selection of your works in the following categories
(from 1 to 5 points)
1 –
Historical consistency
2 –
Modeling skills (assembly, painting, ..)
3 –
Scenario (aging, setting…)
4 -
Picture quality (light and shadow, angle of the photo, absence of disorder
elements ..)
5 –
Supporting description (text able to describe the operational aspects,
historical use and modeling details)
"Selection" will be done according to the sum of the scores collected
in the categories listed above.
selected works will be “post” on our Facebook page and only you will be able to
decide the final ranking. In fact, you will have 10 days, from the time when we
will post the selected scale models on Facebook, to assign your vote.
After ten days, we will check the total number of “I like” per
model and we will publish the final top chart.
also reserves the right to assign to the top score scale modes, published on
line, some compliments.
Good luck …
disclaimer: The sender of the e-mail assumes full responsibility for the
accuracy, authenticity and authorship of the photographic material sent. The
sender will give to Italeri Spa the possibility to manage the personal
information indicated in the e-mail for the purposes linked with the on line
contest and in accordance with D.lgs 193/2003 (Italian Law).
Company with Quality System Certification of Conformity with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
Italeri S.p.a | Cap. Soc. Euro 5.200.000 i.v. R.E.A. Bo n.311919 C.F. e R.I. BO n.03708190370 P. Iva IT00652841206 M. B0011362